MOVE Motorsports

o·ver·land/ˈōvərˌland/ adjective

  • 1.travelling or done by land:”an overland trade route”


  • land:”she journeyed overland


  • a long distance over land:British”they left the ship and overlanded to Coolgardie”

mo·​tor·​sport | \ ˈmō-tər-ˌspȯrt  \plural motorsports

Definition of motorsport

any of several sports involving the racing or competitive driving of motor vehicles… is generally nuts about any kind of car and all sorts of motorsports.— Larry Griffin, Car and Driver, February 1983—often used before another nounmotorsports eventsAttendance at Winston Cup stock car races has been rising annually every year since 1982 … . Total attendance at 13 major motorsport series, including Indy cars, was 15.4 million last year, up 7.9% from 1994.— Jean Halliday, Advertising Age, 30 June 1997